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HR Manager in e-commerce

Atul Mohan 12 years of Industry Experience

Currently Working as AVP & Head-HR, *


I have 10 years of experience in handling Human Resource and overall around 12 years of experience with professional expertise as Business partner HR as well as Recruitment manager.

Currently, I am setting up the HR for, looking after almost every aspect of HR. With more experimentation and less classical approach, I am trying to build an organization and set a culture. I joined the company when it was quite young and have created lots of policies and processes, still a long way to go.

Atul as AVP & Head HR

Key Responsibilities

As a HR head, one has to look after diverse areas especially if you are setting up the function. Some of the areas to be hands on with while being Head of HR are:

  • Creating HR environment which includes Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Employee Retention & Engagement
  • Designing Recruitment strategies with taking care of new hiring and retaining existing employees
  • Analyzing human behavior and trends from obtained data points
  • Campus branding programs
  • Setting up Compliances & Policy frameworks
  • Building strong teams from scratch
  • Performance analysis
  • Training & Development programme
  • As a HR head, you are looked up in many ways- for discipline, fairness, meritocracy etc. You need to ensure that you set the right example.

Typical day of Atul as HR Head

Day starts meeting with different vertical heads and reviewing their resource requirements. Complete day revolves around following points.

  • Employee discussions
  • Performance discussions with employees who need to step up the gear
  • Business interaction and identifying gap areas, defining solution & cost benefit
  • Getting into people data & sanctity of data
  • Compliance reviews
  • Process gaps identification
  • Paper work like job offers, papers for compliance and government offices

Most Challenging Aspects of The Job

Managing the diversity of the work force and keeping up the momentum. We are a company with diverse population. It is almost like many industries coming together. People are from logistics, design, customer support, sales, tech and many different background. The education background may be as diverse as graduates from premier B school to 12th passed. Every function has different aspiration from workplace and work profile. Keeping them engaged is always tough.

Essential Requirements & Key Suggestions By Atul

Required Skills Suggested

  1. Be level-headed : One has to deal with extreme emotions. From hiring to downsizing, promotion to performance improvement plan, everything is orchestrated by HR.
  2. Conflict Management: One has to manage conflicts without any bias coming from designation, personal closeness, gender etc. Expand >>
  3. Leadership Skills : One has to take a lot of initiatives for employee engagements and empowerment
  4. Multitasking : Be able to multi-task as HR is sum total of lot of disciplines like recruitment, talent management, compliances, compensation and benefits etc.
  5. Effective Communications : Communicate efficiently and effectively as HR is the owner of all internal communications and policies. Collapse >>

Approach to Acquire Skills

  1. While most of it is based upon trying and testing, a greater part of HR skills can only be acquired through constant employee interaction and experimentation.
  2. Do not shy away in dealing with tough and demanding stakeholders. They can make you stretch for higher goals.

Articles /Newspaper to Read

  1. The Economic Times
  2. People Matters
  3. Human Capital
  4. Read articles which requires shorter attention span but provokes far-reaching thoughts

Leaders To Follow

  1. Mahatama Gandhi : The decisions he made, the way he swayed the masses and had his following are no under achievement as a leader.
  2. Adolf Hitler : Fearless Leadership.
  3. JRD Tata : Business with people care and a passion to live for. JRD is surely a person I regret for not meeting

Twitter Handle

I like to follow GAYLIN JEE - @GaylinJee, Richard Westney - @HRManNZ, Tim Sackett - @TimSackett

Atul’s Career Track Towards AVP & HR Head

Understanding Of HR Manager Role In e-commerce

Is HR Management the right career option for you?

Questions You Need to Ask yourself

Q1. Why am I joining this company or looking for a change?

Your values and personality should match with company culture.

Q2. By doing this job, how will I be able to grow 3 years from now?

You should be ready with your plan which you would like to implement after joining any job like what new skills you need to add in your profile.

Most Inspiring Company Culture

A comparison of Matushita Electronics and ITT tells you what not to do and what you must do.

Atul Mohan as an Interviewer: HR Manager Profile

Courses/Case-Studies Suggested By Atul

Other Opinions


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Karan Kumar, Marketing Manager - American Express

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Durgesh kaushik, CMO - Edureka

Suggestions to acquire skills for an HR Manager role

Atul Mohan, AVP & Head HR - Bluestone

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Sec-10 Rohini, Delhi-85

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*: As of September 2016