Brand Manager Role is not an end in itself. It is the first serious step to become the future leader. To achieve my dream, two key words that are always part of my dictionary are
Hard work and Consistency.
Moments of brilliance will take you to a level but not to the heights you want to achieve. To Achieve my “The goal”, I have a plan but a plan would still remain a plan till it gets executed. So first step towards executing the plan is to get basic education that would act as a platform for me to explore my true potential.
Leading the brand initiatives for NESCAFE Sunrise brand.
I like to start my day with contemplating for 15-20 minutes. This helps me plan my day meticuloysly and to prioritize the tasks for the day. It is of utmost importance to get cracking on the high priority tasks first and not try to do a little bit of everything.
In between working on these high priority tasks I have daily meetings with the creative agencies as they rely a lot on me to prioritize their work. All the meetings have to be planned for well in advance and the briefing has to be spot on or else 'Garbage In will result in Garbage out.
Keeping a track on sales volumes/market feedback is an important component of the day as these help to generate key insights on what is working and what is not. This helps me to take immediate corrective action is required.
Besides, an indespensable element of the day is an Informal catch up with my colleagues over coffee. This not only gives me a chance to network and mingle well with my colleagues, but the conversation usually also helps me to relax and rejuvenate in an otherwise busy day. Needless to say that the coffee sessions generate quality discussion, comprises of a lot of brain storming and the valuable suggestions which are genearted can help you solve the most difficult of the problems.
Most Challenging aspect of being a Brand Manager is Briefing an Agency.
Briefing an agency not only involves creativity and ideas but it also requires a lot of professionalism, attention to detail and thought.
As the age old saying of Agencies go “clients get the work they deserve”. How you brief determines what you get back. The chances of getting good if not great work is increased significantly by a quality brief into which some real thought has been provided.
This essentially implies carefully working out what you want and effectively communicating this in a manner that gets the right result. The result of a good quality brief is that the right work is delivered faster. This can have an immense effect on increasing efficiency, genearte results faster and on reducing costs. Now a days this is not a business option but a business imperative.
Only way to acquire and master these skills is through experience as there is no short cut formula to acquire the same.
LinkedIn Group On Brand Management
Questions You Need to Ask yourself
It is important to understand mindset of consumer who are using your product.
You will be required to interpret lots of data and generate useful insights.
It is important to break a complex situation in to a simple and smaller parts.
At each step brand manager will be required to make decisions which involve considerable risk.
Introduction pitch should carry a brief about education background and experience and cover following:
Candidate should know about the company culture in and out before going for the interview and why he/she thinks company is a good match basis his capabilities.
Skills required to become a Marketing Manager
Typical day of a Marketing Manager
Suggestions to acquire skills for a Brand Manager role
6th Floor, Kings Mall,
Sec-10 Rohini, Delhi-85
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